Do You like book Death In Disguise (2007)?
This was pretty interesting. Very different from the BBC series, but good stories. A houseful of odd, hippie types, a dead tycoon, a rich girl in know, the usual suspects! The plot really held my interest and unwound so neatly that I almost missed the killer. Love it when that happens. Tom Barnaby, his lovely and long suffering wife Joyce, and his actress daughter Cully are all excellent characters and prove to be foils for one another, drawing tension from the plot and adding personal interest.
Wow, my memory must be going. This should be the second time I've read this book, but I couldn't remember anything about it. I mostly loved it though at times the fun that was had at the expense of a community of New Age religious practitioners kind of bugged me (at other times, I laughed). I love what Graham manages to do though--she pokes fun, but as we continue to read and as we get to the end of the book, the inspector's prejudices, towards the New Agers and even towards his wife, nearly do him in, making it difficult for him to solve the case. The practical ones have a bit of a comeuppance, and it is delightful. Graham is terrific, and I'm moving quickly on to the next.
—Katherine Clark
This is a very well constructed and well written book. The setting is a "New Age" spiritual commune in England, the commune consisting of eight people plus the "Master." The story starts with what appears to be an accidental death, and approximately 140 pages later, there is a murder. Only then are the police called in. Thus, the first third or so of the story allows the reader to get to know the commune members. This is a particularly funny section of the book, because the members speak in astral gobbledygook. After Inspector Barnaby and his assistant, Troy, enter the scene to investigate the murder, the humor is less apparent, but still there.The investigation proceeds logically, with nothing overlooked, but there are surprises along the way. I particularly liked the way the meaning of the title became clear after the resolution.
—Barbara Gregorich