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Death By China: Confronting The Dragon - A Global Call To Action (2011)

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action (2011)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
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0132180235 (ISBN13: 9780132180238)
Pearson Prentice Hall

About book Death By China: Confronting The Dragon - A Global Call To Action (2011)

Death by China is a first-hand look at how China is the greatest threat to America and why. It's discussed about how many Americans die daily from poisoned food, spiked drugs, toxic toys and more that all come from China. Many US Industries have partnered with China to get these items imported into the states at a fraction of the cost. Many jobs in the US have been disposed of because they can get the work done cheaper across seas.But what has that done for our economy? And how are the people in China surviving under these conditions? If they are sending harmful chemicals to us, they must be living in squalor conditions. It's discussed about their polluted water - they have 7% of the earth's water in China and they drink water with waste in it! They have been trying to gather power, but also cyber power. It wasn't discussed in the media, but back in April, China took over the internet for fifteen minutes. Not just you and I, but military and government offices as well they had access too. Crazy!! It seems like this book is about bashing China, but unfortunately, most things discussed are true. It's very scary and many topics are discussed. Death by China is easy to read and understand. Navarro and Autry obviously know what they are talking about, as they come across very well-informed. This is a book every American needs to read. I found it, and so did my husband, very enlightening. I posted a preliminary review of the book and now that I’ve finished it, I still feel it does a great job at exposing how we have been creating our own long-term economic downfall by focusing solely on maximizing our near-term profits. Our shortsighted greed … there’s really nothing else to call it … has blinded us to the fact that we’re just digging our own grave. It’s not farfetched to predict that the US economy will end up failing and we’ll become a client state of China. If that happens, it will be because we did it to ourselves. It seems to already be happening. I picked up the book because I’ve been watching this trend myself and was curious what the authors had put together. Their point is that it is within our power to change that future. We could stop doing it to ourselves. Really, the entire thesis is in the last chapter, and everything prior to that is the background necessary to understand each of the suggestions they make. A fairly gross over-simplification of their argument is that if we could simply get China to play fair, everything would work out. But we’re not succeeding at that, and problem keeps getting worse. The authors make a strong case that China is not our friend, that in fact they are at war with us on several fronts already and have already prepared themselves militarily in case it turns into armed conflict. That scenario is kind of scary. When China control access to the rare minerals necessary to make all of our computers and electronics work, when they have erected their own global positioning and communication satellites and have successfully conducted tests proving they could blow ours out of their orbits, then the military scenario becomes especially scary. It’s tough to fight against an opponent who has the ability to flip an “off” switch on your entire military. I agree with the reviews criticizing the tone as somewhat inflammatory, but this is a call-to-action book and so it’s appropriate if sometimes annoying. I think it’s an important read more than a good read. There are things each of us can do to help simply by becoming more conscious and moral consumers, but no one feels compelled to change until they realize their buying decisions have impact and matter. By changing our behavior, we can have a powerful impact on many of the levels discussed. The higher level political changes won’t come about until a critical mass of people are aware of the situation, so the conversation this book represents needs to grow. For that reason, I give it 5 stars. If it were just on the basis of how good a read the book was, I’d be more like 3.5 or 4 because the tone is sometimes off-putting. Hope this was helpful.

Do You like book Death By China: Confronting The Dragon - A Global Call To Action (2011)?

An eye opening book about how China is destroying America and the rest of the world. Unsettling.

A worrying expose for the future.politician should take note,but they wont.

Must read.

must read


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