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Dear Dumb Diary #11: Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers (2013)

Dear Dumb Diary #11: Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers (2013)

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Scholastic Paperbacks

About book Dear Dumb Diary #11: Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers (2013)

The books get better as they progress but I think this is the last one I plan to read in the series. Year Two sounds like a new and interesting perspective but I don't think I will get there. A few years ago, I tried reading this series for the first time and I really liked it but I only reached to #5 and stopped. Then last month, I tried again and got all the way up to #11 but I'm starting to remember why I stopped the first time. I recommend it to younger girls who don't have much standard for books yet and are trying to figure out what it is. In this book, Jamie and Isabella believes that Jamie has superpowers. It all started out when Isabella and Jamie went to Angeline's house. Angeline was babysitting Fat Ricky. When the little boy saw the two visitors, he leaped and bit Jamie on the arm. Later on, Isabella was teasing Jamie about how she could never kick her in the face. Then Jamie did it. She kicked Isabella in the face. Isabella was surprised and believed that Jamie had boy superpowers and that was how she managed to kick her in the face.The school fair was coming up and Isabella placed a bet that whoever loses in the "knocking down the pins" game would have to kiss the most disgusting boy in the school, Mike Pinsettie. Jamie didn't want to do this bet because she wasnt that good at the ball toss game. The last time that she played a fair game, she hit the worker in the nose, the arm, and somewhere else with darts. Think that this is hilarious, then read the actual book.Jim Benton worked his magic on this book. Each page made me laugh and it was very interesting. You can't get much more fun than this. It showed helping, friendship, and second thoughts about people. It sowed how you can misjudge people.I gave this book five stars because it was really entertaining and i had a nice time reading it. It was a good book to read. It had all the parts that you want. It was really funny. I enjoyed this book and if you decide to read it, i hope you enjoy it too.

Do You like book Dear Dumb Diary #11: Okay, So Maybe I Do Have Superpowers (2013)?

This dear dumb diary book is amazing just like all he others. I love how the author puts himself into a (practically) teenage girl character. This book is entertaining for probably 4th-6th graders. I recommend this book for anyone. You guys will enjoy this book so much that you will want to read the entire series. In his dairy Jamie believes that she has powers because Isabella told her but at the end she realizes that what she thought was her power was pretty much a coincidence. Anyways you should read this book, I'm sure you'll love it as much as I did!

The books get better as they progress but I think this is the last one I plan to read in the series. Year Two sounds like a new and interesting perspective but I don't think I will get there. A few years ago, I tried reading this series for the first time and I really liked it but I only reached to #5 and stopped. Then last month, I tried again and got all the way up to #11 but I'm starting to remember why I stopped the first time. I recommend it to younger girls who don't have much standard for books yet and are trying to figure out what it is.

Loved it love the set dumb diary Series big fan ;)

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