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Dear Abigail: The Intimate Lives And Revolutionary Ideas Of Abigail Adams And Her Two Remarkable Sisters (2014)

Dear Abigail: The Intimate Lives and Revolutionary Ideas of Abigail Adams and Her Two Remarkable Sisters (2014)

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0345465067 (ISBN13: 9780345465061)
Ballantine Books

About book Dear Abigail: The Intimate Lives And Revolutionary Ideas Of Abigail Adams And Her Two Remarkable Sisters (2014)

This is a lively book about a very active family. I learned a great deal about the Adams presidency and family through this book.The sisters depended heavily on one another for financial, emotional and spiritual matters. These were real, passionate, active women who get little notice in formal history books. When will that change? The rebellion of the Original Colonies would never have succeeded without the assistance of and the dedication of these three women and others like them.Highly recommended. This was not a quick read, but a very interesting one and worth the effort. Diane Jacobs did meticulous research and kept the writing moving when it could have been bogged down in too many long passages. The only thing I wish had been more detailed was what all the illnesses people suffered could possibly have been, but perhaps that would have been too much speculation, which she did an admirable job refraining from.Definitely a recommended read for people interested in the period defined, and quite a good look at women's lives at the time.

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