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Deadpool Mata Al Universo Marvel (2012)

Deadpool mata al Universo Marvel (2012)

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3.66 of 5 Votes: 5
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Ovni Press

About book Deadpool Mata Al Universo Marvel (2012)

I think I was disappointed in this because I read Killustrated first so the concept was less novel. That's really the books only selling point. I don't think Cullen does an especially great job capturing Deadpool's voice and charm. It's certainly a colorful and sensational book. Lots of blood and gore and crazy kills and all, but it's just that. The book even seems to have some continuity issues within itself. Like mentions of certain characters dying but then they show up later with no healing factor. Just felt a little off. Plus the art was decent but nothing really impressive. I feel like this guy's style didn't add much to the book, it just served a purpose. Anyway, it's a fun read, especially if you read the Killogy in order, and any Deadpool fan should check it out at some point. For me this amounts to the same as a dead baby joke. Sure to make a few chuckle but really just tasteless and nonsensical. These *someone* kills the marvel universe books are usually just a big way for a writer bored with the current state of constant recycling and stagnation in comics to catharticly take out their frustration on all the universes characters. Which is fine but really this one seems to lack the decent plot and cleverness (if you could call it that) of punisher kills the marvel universe. In this book its mearly four issues of deadpool creatively killing everyone after him having a nietzsche nihilistic revelation about how it is to be a comicbook character. The motivation for deadpool seems weak for me and pretty much having deadpool become an unkilliable slasher who seems to know how to kill anyone and everyone makes him the least likeable you could have him. The jokes are bad, the character is butched (metaphorically and physically) and after all the death it play a trope so overdone the writers screw up any sense of message about the never ending tedium of comics. Terriable, unoriginal and unfunny. Avoid!

Do You like book Deadpool Mata Al Universo Marvel (2012)?

This was an interesting concept, but when it boils down to it, it was basically a giant acid trip.

Its super good and very funny. I recommend this small book because it is funny and action packed.

Solamente por descubrir el verdadero poder mutante de Guepardo ya merece las 5 estrellas.

Its a fun read. It makes Deadpool more awesome than he already is. Hahaha.


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