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Dead Poets Society (1998)

Dead Poets Society (1998)

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0553282980 (ISBN13: 9780553282986)

About book Dead Poets Society (1998)

One of my favourite movies ever!"The human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, “O me! O life!… of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer. That you are here – that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"Most people don’t even know that the movie was actually based on a book. Let me tell you, it’s more than just “based on” a book…it IS the book. Almost word for word. The dialogue, the scenes, the plot, the sequence, the characters…everything is the same! When does one ever find that in a book-turned-movie? Having seen the movie dozens of times, I know most of the dialogue by heart. Which is probably why I finished the entire book between nothing more than my morning and evening commute. It was almost as if I was reading a detailed screenplay. There were two instances where the plot goes deeper than the movie, but not enough to make a significant difference.This was both good and bad in my opinion. It’s good to know that a movie can indeed be more than just faithful to the book that inspired it. At the same time, one always expects so much more out of a book. I wanted it to last longer and delve deeper into the relationships between the boys as well as their individual feelings with Mr. Keating. Todd Anderson was the only character who I understood more about from reading the book. Everyone else remained identical to what I see on screen. Nevertheless, I still teared up with Neil Perry’s final scene (I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t seen the movie…though I can’t imagine who those people are) and at the final “O Captain, My Captain”s.If you want a taste of the movie without getting up to put the DVD in, then read the book. It’s the identical experience. Moving words, lovely characters, and a heartwarming story about how one teacher can make a difference against all odds.

با تک تک دیالوگ های این کتاب و فیلم زیبای پیتر ویر زندگی کرده ام.به یاد کلاس متفاوت و عالی مبانی فلسفی تعلیم و تربیت که با تمام واحدهای فلسفه ای که قبلا گذرانده بودم فرق داشت. از هر مکتبی می رفتیم سراغ کتاب های اصلی سردمداران آن مکتب، آثار برجسته ی معرف آن مکتب و در طول هفته با خواندن کتاب ها و رسیدن به سر فصل جلسه بعدی وقت سر خاراندن نداشتیم و کلاس فقط بحث و بررسی بود. یک روز استاد گفت فیلم اگزیستانس مثال بزنید من "انجمن شاعران مرده" را مثال زدم. بعد بحث پیش آمد که بیشتر معرف کدام مکتب است اگزیستانسیالیسم یا پراگماتیسم. قرار شد یک روز میان هفته همه جمع شویم و فیلم را ببینیم و نقد فیلم را به عنوان یکی از کارهای کلاسی مان بگذاریم در پوشه فلسفه ای که هر کدام بصورت جداگانه در اتاق استاد داشتیم. آن روز همه بچه ها که شباهت زیادی به پسرهای داستان داشتند با اشتیاق و توجه کامل فیلم را دیدند. من از آخر کلاس نگاه شان می کردم حواسم به تک تک شان بود.بعد از چند سال استاد دیگری این اواخر گفته است نیلوفر روی تک تک شماها تأثیرگذار بوده است؛ نیلوفر، نیل پری داستان... .غنچه های گل سرخ راکنون که می توانی برچیناما باز هم زمان سالخورده در گذر استو همین گل سرخ که امروز می خنددفردا خواهد پژمرد

Do You like book Dead Poets Society (1998)?

Just arrived from 46:"What was the Dead Poets Society, sir?...Keating looked around to make sure that no one was watching. "A secret organization," he almost whispered..."Can you boys keep a secret?"....The Dead Poets was a society dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life. That phrase is by Thoreau and was invoked at every meeting," he explained. "A small group of us would meet at the old cave, and we would take turns reading Shelley, Thoreau, Whitman, our own verse - and the enchantment of the moment let it work its magic on us."

یاد یه قسمت از کتاب پیامبر جبران خلیل جبران افتادم.شما می‌توانید به فرزندانتان عشق بورزید، اما نمی‌توانید بذر اندیشه‌هایتان را در آنان بکارید،زیرا اندیشه‌ی مستقلی دارند.می‌توانید بکوشید مانند آنان شوید، اما بیهوده استکه بکوشید آنان را مانند خود کنید.زیرا زندگی به عقب بازنمی‌گردد و در خانه‌ی دیروز بهسر نمی‌برد.از خوندنش لذت بردم.تقابل نسل نو و کهنه به خوبی به نمایش گذاشته شده بود.پر از صحنه های نمادین بود که کاملا با سلیقه ی من همخوانی داره.

Well, you want to be a teacher? That's great! I've heard about this "Dead Poets Society", for several times. But somehow, I never watch the movie and read the book.
—Ivana Simanungkalit

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