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Dead In Vineyard Sand (2006)

Dead in Vineyard Sand (2006)

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0743270444 (ISBN13: 9780743270441)
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About book Dead In Vineyard Sand (2006)

#17 in the Martha's Vineyard Mystery series. J.W. Jackson is an ex-Boston cop, retired after being wounded. He now lives a semi-subsistence living on the Vineyard in a home that belonged to his father. He acts as caretaker for seasonal dwellers, fishes, clams, and solves the occasional murder.Martha's Vineyard Mystery series - J. W. Jackson has an altercation with environmentalist Henry Highsmith in a shop and the next time he sees him is when a member of his golf foursome finds his body in a sand trap. J.W. is a suspect, especially since what appeared to be his SUV drove Mrs Highsmith off the road, so he wanders around to solve the murder. J.W. builds a rope bridge for his kids.

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