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Dead End Job (2000)

Dead End Job (2000)

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3.17 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Dead End Job (2000)

Office jobs - many of us have had them. I related to many of the scenarios she wrote about and her characters were familiar. This was an enjoyable and humorous read! Yes, there was murder and mayhem, but I like how she blended the funny with the serious. Not every mystery has to be deeply introspective and pensive. I see that she has another novel out, and I'm placing that in my to read pile. Who would have thought Louisa's brief, after-hours' stop at her office to retrieve some anti-anxiety medication would lead to some of the most anxiety-producing events of her life? Not only does she discover the body of her co-worker the next morning, but she soon becomes the prime suspect in the homicide. The silver lining to her disastrous day is meeting an attractive police officer who seems to have more than just a professional interest in Louisa. I liked the premise of this story but was very distracted by the excessive number of editing errors (typos, deleted words, added words, punctuation errors, etc.), which seemed to be more evident in the second half of the book. For that reason alone, I was glad I got this book for free. I also would have liked it better if there had not been so much profanity. Had it not been for the two prior reasons, I might have rated this book a star higher. The chapter titles were also distracting and seemingly unnecessary. I’ll admit I was not a big fan of the protagonist’s work ethic or her personality in general. She was a bit too flawed in too many areas of her life for me to comfortably relate to. And, initially, it took a while for the story to grab me. However, it really picked up during the second half. Yes, I was able to figure out who the killer was, but it took me a little while to do so. Provided future books have better editing, less profanity, and much personal growth for the protagonist, I would be interested in trying another one.

Do You like book Dead End Job (2000)?

Very cute read. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for something fun to read.

Waste of time. I wanted a good murder-mystery and what I got was mostly smut.

Enjoyed Ingrid's sense of humour. Will be waiting for more books from her :)

Was a three until the lame ending.

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