About book Dead Drunk: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse. One Beer At A Time (2013)
Everything that this book promises is delivered. It's a zombie novel about a guy I wound up rooting for even though he's a loser. The humor is lowbrow, the beer flows freely, and the silliness quotient is high (literally, part of the time). In many places, this book is entirely preposterous, and that's exactly how it should be.I found myself laughing out loud at several points. Although the antics of the survivors can be over the top at times, it's still hilarious. Be forewarned there is a lot of drunk guy humor, guy sex humor, and some drug humor. These guys drink, use assorted drugs, and talk about sex and genitalia a lot.A few scenes did bother me a tiny bit, ones depicting mildly disturbing violence. Obviously, there are zombies, so there's violence, and that's not what I'm referring to. The survivors engage in and discuss some morally questionable activities that sensitive readers will blanch at. Their choices aren't always the 'heroic' ones, which is probably the reason any of them manage to survive.The only things I actually disliked about this book were some odd scenes out, all of them jam-packed with backstory. One of them even confused me, because I had no idea what was going on until the end of the chapter. Aside from the one major hiccup, the tale is woven well and the characters are well done.I recommend this for people who like Shaun of the Dead and similar stories. I have to admit that 3 stars is probably being a bit generous, but I added points for effort. This book is basically centered around a bunch of annoying adult frat-boy types, lock-stepped in their arrested development. Yay for zombie apocalypse; boo for having to spend it with these douche bags. I listened to the audiobook which only worsened my experience as the voice for one of the characters sounded just like Beavis from "Beavis and Butthead". Add to this another character with some form of magical immunity (secondary to eating too much beef jerky) and it makes for an underwhelming experience.
Do You like book Dead Drunk: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse. One Beer At A Time (2013)?
A good time was had by all during the zombie apocalypse.
Loved it! Happy to hear they are working on a sequel.