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Dead Connection (2006)

Dead Connection (2006)

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3.32 of 5 Votes: 1
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1596431148 (ISBN13: 9781596431140)
roaring brook press

About book Dead Connection (2006)

Reflection By Seth RohmDead ConnectionBy: Charlie Price Genre: MysteryEnglish 12-4I like this book because i enjoy reading about mysteries and how all the curves and twists come together making a roller coaster of emotion throughout the book. All this excitement happens in a small hill town called River-town. It starts off with a young, nerdy man named Murray. What Murray does is hangs out in the local cemetery of River-town. He has a secret that will be explained in the book in a series of events. Another interesting character who plays a harsh role as a drunken cop is Billup. Billup is a River-town officer who is not respected by any of his coworkers. He is usually in a drunken stupor and always tries to make moves on the women officers, but that all changes when he finds himself in a harassment lawsuit.Then comes Janoschek and Pearl, the duo of cemetery justice. These two kind-hearted people helped Murray in the end, but the beginning of their relationship was bumpier than a graveled road. The next guy is a mental health patient who witnessed the kidnapping. His name is Robert Berry Compton. He is a crazy, paranoid ex-crank user who still hears voices in his head and works at TacoBurger. Last, but not least, is the brave but scarred detective who takes on the missing girl case named Rome Gates. Gates lost a son a month prior to the girl’s disappearance so Gates needs to feel closure by finding the missing girl. All these characters have nothing in common, but they all cross paths;some in good ways, some in bad. I would recommend this book to all ages and genders in a high school setting because it doesn't just have mystery, it has friendship, love, and true chivalry. I strongly believe this book will make you think differently about your life, and see that it could be a lot worse. I would give this book a 4 out of 5 star rating. Impact of setting- The story could have occurred anywhere in the United States but only in the car technology era. Thematic Connection- Is to always never doubt your self always trust your gut instinct and to enjoy life because it can be taken away so fast. This book will help most realize how the real world works and it isn't always sunny and nice. There are a lot of strange evil people out there.

Try reading something different, I said. It's only $3 I said. That was $3 too much.I was intrigued by the description, and if that indeed had been the actual book, it could have got 3 stars. But the description lied. The kid talking to the dead bit was *maybe* 20% of the book. The rest was from other perspectives about this investigation. And as investigations go, it was shoddy at best. Most of the time, I was just wondering what anything had to do with anything and the further I got into the book the more impatient I became. I wanted to give it up, but kept hoping there would be some payoff for some of the elements introduced. There wasn't.It is this author's first book, and frankly, I can tell. Not to be discouraging toward him - as a wanna-be author myself I encourage anyone who wants to write to put their work out there - but I don't think this was quite ready for publication. Relationships were disingenuously developed, dialogue was immature (in the sense that it reminded me of my own writing when I was in jr. high), and most of the book did not actually move the plot forward or add to any character development in any meaningful way. It really could have benefited from some heavy editing and rewrites. The idea was promising, but it just doesn't pan out. Perhaps if he had stuck to a single perspective and fully explored that avenue it could have been a less frustrating read.

Do You like book Dead Connection (2006)?

This book wasn't what I expected. The cover says, "He talks to the dead. The dead talk to him." I thought it would be more of a story about Murray, the kid they are talking about on the cover. But it really reads more like an episode of Law and Order. There was a crime committed, and the story jumps around from place to place and person to person to put the pieces together to solve the mystery. I guess I was hoping for more of a story about a boy who finds he has this talent/curse and must find a way to deal with it.That being said, it still kept my interest.
—Anna Karras

This book had great potenial, but the execution lacked a bit. The story was interesting, but never had any true strong points and there never seemed to be a climax to me. The characters were okay, I liked a few more than others. Sometimes I felt as if the story could've done without a few of the characters, and by the end I think the author was ignoring certain characters that really didn't pertain to the story at all. While the book was good enough to keep me reading, the ending did dissapoint and I probably won't re-read this one.

This isn't the kind of book i would usually read but i just wanted a single book, with no sequels, that was really short. at first i thought "dead connection" was waaay to short to be having six million plots going on, i mean it was told by eight or nine people, switching in the middle of a chapter. speaking of chapters, there wasn't one more than five pages long! i knew the stories would come together in the end, and they did but instead of disliking it i loved the idea of squishing it all into

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