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Das Mondkind (2012)

Das Mondkind (2012)

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3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
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Heyne Verlag

About book Das Mondkind (2012)

I absolutely loved this novella! It is the story of a homeless boy, his devoted and almost-prescient canine companion, and their friend, a teenage girl who is also entirely on her own. The boy is hunted by a cult that his mother and step-father are involved in,and who intend to use him for a human sacrifice. The subject matter is bleak, dark, and often creepy, but Koontz has a magical way of writing child characters that brings life, depth, hope, and humor to the tale. It was a quick read that I finished in just a couple hours, and it left me deeply hoping for a novel length companion to come in the future. This is a short story approximately 137 pages.This is a story of three children who inadvertently end up living on the same street as the Pendleton from the book "77 Shadow Street", and to our surprise they are living in a worse nightmare than those folks down at the Pendleton.The story was interesting and you felt connected to the characters. it was a great story, full of intrigue and suspense.

Do You like book Das Mondkind (2012)?

Dean Koontz is one of my all time favorite writers i have read almost all of his older books a few times , i would love to read some of his newer books .
—Christina White

A fast read, and as usual I liked the characters, but when it was over my thought was "huh?"

It was OK. I thought it would end differently.

ok but not one of his best - took me one day.

Could not put it down. Wished it was longer.

Dean Koontz is always a good read.

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