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Das Ewige Mädchen (2013)

Das ewige Mädchen (2013)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
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3862788393 (ISBN13: 9783862788392)
Mira Verlag

About book Das Ewige Mädchen (2013)

A story full of twists and turns...I really enjoyed reading this story. I think the author’s writing is beautiful. I enjoyed how the author was slowly introducing the readers to unanswered questions. Right from the beginning, it’s full of action and suspense. The readers are left wondering who the good guys and the bad guys are.As the story progresses, slowly everything begins to make sense. I was quite surprised at times- totally did not expect certain developments of the story. I like a story that keeps me guessing.All of the characters are likeable and you easily get attached to them. There is a nice closure at the end, although there’s still so much more to the story. I recommend this book to all those that enjoy a good paranormal story. It’s different to keep your attention, and like I said earlier, I really enjoyed the author’s style of writing. This is the first in a fantasy series that could at a superficial level be compared to the Twilight series in that the central character, Sophia Parsons, is a young human who becomes involved with supernatural earth beings including vampires.However, while I considered the Twilight series to be light reading I found this one more absorbing because of the intricacies of characterisation and what those intricacies added to depth of plot and story.The Universe is a ‘they’ never explained but obviously sentient beings of some sort who created Elementals to watch over the human race. Earth elementals, vampires called The Cruor, were the first to be created. Then came Water, Fire and Air. Along the way some of the Cruor became corrupted and as we enter the story the battle for supremacy is beginning. Sophia, a practicing Wiccan, is drawn in through her attraction to Charles, a dual-breed Strigoi, a Water elemental who is also half Cruor.Told mostly in the first person from Sophia’s point of view the storyline follows a satisfactory arc to the end which, this being the first of a series, is obviously only the struggle’s first stage. I liked Sophia who had already overcome quite a lot in her 22 years including the suspicious deaths of both parents. Like Charles, her love interest, she is well-fleshed out. Less satisfactorily drawn is Ivory, a major secondary character responsible for much of what happens to Sophia. We learn her history in what is a departure from Sophia’s point of view. It’s brief and encompasses centuries so we only see snippets that, while revealing the motivation for her actions, doesn’t allow us to really get to know her.This was one of those reads that I didn’t like putting down to get on with other things. I wanted to keep reading.Well written and entertainingly told.

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