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Darwin's Armada: Four Voyages And The Battle For The Theory Of Evolution (2009)

Darwin's Armada: Four Voyages and the Battle for the Theory of Evolution (2009)

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0393068145 (ISBN13: 9780393068146)
W. W. Norton & Company

About book Darwin's Armada: Four Voyages And The Battle For The Theory Of Evolution (2009)

I found this to be an easy and informative read. I had not realized the degree of organization among Hooker, Huxley, Wallace, and Darwin in the defense of natural history and academic liberalism. At first I thought this was a somewhat exaggerated interpretation of history, but the historical reality of the "X-club" makes the concept concrete. The subsequent long-term ramifications of these activities included the way Kew RBG came to be administered and the reputation of the journal "Nature." Very illuminating! Loved this history, especially the campaign waged by Darwin's fellow scientists for acceptance of an evidence- based theory of why and how we are here. This goes perfectly with The Age of Wonder. These two books are my faves right now. The singularity of focus that drove the lives of these men and women and their need to figure out the evidence and it's meaning is very, very impressive and inspiring. Science is all about being open to new questions and never building a bunker from which to defend any particular belief, aka non-evidence-based opinions. I admire all the people presented in these two works.

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slow read for me. well written, interesting look at science in the 19th century.

This was an excellent and informative read!

Rum, Botany and the Lash.

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