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Darth Plagueis (2012)

Darth Plagueis (2012)

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034551128X (ISBN13: 9780345511287)

About book Darth Plagueis (2012)

In Episode 3, Senator Palpatine asks Anakin Skywalker if he's ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.Darth Plagueis was Darth Sidious' Master, and his teacher in the ways of Dark Side of The Force. This novel tells the story of Plagueis' rise to power and his eventual fall.The book is a great companion to Episodes I - III. It tells of Palpatine's path to the dark side, the discovery of Darth Maul, and the creation of the Clone Army. All questions that are unanswered by the trilogy.The machinations of Plagueis and Sidious are great to read, the way they manipulated the Jedi and the Republic in order to bring about their downfall.The book also makes mention of events that take place in two other novels, "Cloak of Deception", and "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter". It was fun to see how they all tied together. I really enjoyed this book, which might have also been called Darth Sidious, because it really is about the rise of Darth Plagueis apprentice. This story delves into the world of the Sith and the Dark Side and really explains some of the mysteries that aren't clarified in Episodes I-III. I enjoyed reading a story from the point of view of characters entrenched in the Dark Side and I also enjoyed many of the references to the expanded universe and appearances by characters like Jabba the Hutt, Sifo-Dyas, Jorus C'baoth.

Do You like book Darth Plagueis (2012)?

Excellent book filling in gaps leading up to (and through) episode 1.

Gives great insight into the events pre-fall of the Jedi

Very good and explains the back story of Episode I.

Great read.


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