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Dakota Blues (2012)

Dakota Blues (2012)

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1475191332 (ISBN13: 9781475191332)
CreateSpace Indie Publishing Platform

About book Dakota Blues (2012)

A Wonderful Coming-of-Age (Golden Age)Story. Full of vim and vigor and insightful humor crafted in lyrical yet intimate prose, Dakota Blues takes one back to one's true roots, where family and friends provide the necessary grounding that carries one through life's ups and downs. The road trip is a total blast, peppered with delightful and heartbreaking surprises that make the reader laugh and cry, wishing it would never end. An absolute Must Read. I read much of this on an airplane, and ended up tearing up over and over again...I'm sure it's where I am in life, and struggling, like the main character, to balance life, enjoy the simple pleasures, move from the hectic pace of life. When she returned to her family home, I imagined myself returning to mine and the rich history and beauty of nature and simple things, lovely people and family. Even though it touched me deeply, it's also a fun, galavanting, ride!

Do You like book Dakota Blues (2012)?

Overly simplistic, poorly developed characters, thin plot. Not worth the read.

Pretty good book, there's a few things that could've made the book better.

Loved it! A+++++++

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