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Daddy's Lullaby (2002)

Daddy's Lullaby (2002)

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4.09 of 5 Votes: 5
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0689842953 (ISBN13: 9780689842955)
margaret k. mcelderry

About book Daddy's Lullaby (2002)

I got this out for Mike to read to Natalie just based on the title. It is very cute. Some of the situation pictured in the book is perfect for our family, and some of it is not. The first page is perfect, but their being an older child and that mother already being asleep when the father gets home, doesn't fit us (at least not at this time). However, the way the father interacts with the baby was very cute and fitting for us. When Mike read it, he also enjoyed it. We both really enjoyed the illustrations because they remind us of snuggling with Natalie. (I think that was Mike's favorite part).

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