A glorious literary career has come to this. Though it isn't a comeback as Larry has never stopped writing, Sugar Ray Leonard had more late career success. Somewhere around Dwayne's Depressed or the last of the BerryBender Chronicles, McMurtry ceased to be the writer he once was. There are some impressive pictures in this handsome volume, but the journalism is sloppy, unoriginal, and downright adolescent. I'm not entirely convinced he didn't find an intern who over-utilized wikipedia to produce this glorified middle school history essay. I'm a big McMurtry fan. Although this was enjoyable it wasn't the level of detail normally expected from him. In fairness, this is apparently more of a coffee table book with lots of illustrations. That really didn't come through in the audio version. None the less, it was informative and made plenty of comparisons and anecdotes to get the point across. The point being, if Custer hadn't been so full of himself and ambition seeking, he may well have been more successful in all his ventures.
Do You like book Custer (2012)?
I listened to this book while driving through the Black Hills - very good narrator too.
Comprehensive book on the life of Custer. Very interesting read.
Horribly written.. Was this made for a child? I learned nothing.