About book Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nightdress (2005)
Es un libro extremadamente novedoso. No solo nos sumerge en un contexto desconocido para la sociedad, sino que nos hace sentir identificados y en ocasiones culpables ante el trato que solemos darle a las personas con enfermedades como el Asperger o similares. Contiene elementos psicológicos muy interesantes para el lector, presentados de la mejor forma: demostrándolos mediante el comportamiento del protagonista. Además, encontramos muchos datos de interés de todo tipo, que resultan curiosos tanto por lo que son como por la forma en la que son explicados por Christopher.La trama de la historia es, además de diferente, intrigante. El desarrollo tiene giros argumentales que dejan al lector con la boca abierta y el final, aunque adecuado y satisfactorio, resulta decepcionante, dejando al lector un leve “esperaba más de ello.”Como punto en contra, decir que toda la intriga y los interrogantes de la historia se resuelven más o menos en la mitad, y el resto del libro se hace un poco pesado y aburrido.https://eltiempoyelsilencio.wordpress...
I got the copy of this book from a second hand bookstore in Bali, during my vacation time last year, assuming by the title, that this book was the "parody" version of Haddon's (The curious incident of the dog in the night time), but it's not... It's a story of a sloppy guy who's trying to win back his family, the story wise quite unique, the writing style with those british/scotish/irish accent, sometimes make me ponder... overall the book is funny, but i can't give more stars... as i don't get anything from it... just for fun only... :)
Do You like book Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nightdress (2005)?
I was mostly drawn into reading this book due to the protagonist having autism, considering my sister has autism and it just catches my attention, draws my interest. Although, I really did find this book boring, but somewhat different. For instance, how Christopher knows all the prime numbers all the way up to 7,057 is pretty intelligent. Then again, it seems as if all autistic individuals prefect in some ways, and seem behind in other subjects as such. It was an ok book, wasn't bad, wasn't good. Read if you're into the whole mystery type, and perhaps if autism catches your interest as well. If you decide to read this book, I hope you enjoy it more than I did!
—Brian Rieman