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Cross Dressing (2005)

Cross Dressing (2005)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 1
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0060815248 (ISBN13: 9780060815240)
william morrow paperbacks

About book Cross Dressing (2005)

An advertising exec (Dan) steals an ad campaign from an intern who then tries to kill him but can't kill him because he already died but he didn't actually die because it was his identical twin brother who died but then Dan has to assume his twin brother's identity because otherwise he will be convicted for insurance fraud but he might get convicted anyway because the fraud inspector saw him on tv when he was being interviewed about the nun in a coma who wasn't actually in a coma but had to pretend she was in order to save the homeless shelter.There's one percent of this book.This book sounds ridiculous because it is. Fitzhugh takes every unlikely event, every impossible circumstance, every "oh no our hero is screwed but wait he's saved in the nick of time" moment and he smooshes them together into a mess that is preposterous and unbelievable and wonderful and perfect. The good guys always win, the bad guys always get exactly what's coming to them, the plot has 9 gazillion things going on at once but every single one of them make perfect sense, and we walk away with a funny, well written story about how to live life well and about figuring out what's really important. For all of the lame, preachy, unfunny books (and movies, for that matter) with dumb jokes, slapstick comedy, and convoluted plots just for their own sake (effectively summing up Martin Lawrence's, Pauly Shore's, and the latter half of Eddie Murphy's careers), we occasionally get the Happy Gilmores and the Billy Madisons. This book is that. Fitzhugh is funny without trying too hard, he's moralizing without hitting you over the head with it, and he just plain tells a good story. Stop reading this review. Go read this book.

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