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Creepiosity: A Hilarious Guide To The Unintentionally Creepy (2010)

Creepiosity: A Hilarious Guide to the Unintentionally Creepy (2010)

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0740791389 (ISBN13: 9780740791383)
Andrews McMeel Publishing

About book Creepiosity: A Hilarious Guide To The Unintentionally Creepy (2010)

This was a fun book, but it certainly wasn't stellar. Sure, it had some creepy things in it. I got a spot of the chills maybe once or twice...but even that...I generally found myself disagreeing with David Bickel about what is creepy and what is not. Generally, the things he defined as "creepy" were not.Hairless cats, used band-aids, and grandma candy are not creepy. Sure, they're kinda ugly, really nasty, and taste funny, but they're not creepy.Animals with human teeth are creepy. Hannibal Lecter is creepy. Opera singers, BINGO zealots, and Popeye the Sailor? Not creepy. This is the stupidest "book" I've picked up in awhile. Instead of being funny it has that snide hipster snarkiness that tries to pass for humour on websites and college newspapers. It's Xenophobic (foreign old ladies are the first entry), disrespectful (all religions are the second or third entry) and just plain gross. Id give it zero stars if I could. Thankfully it was free for Kindle.

Do You like book Creepiosity: A Hilarious Guide To The Unintentionally Creepy (2010)?

The author has a great sense of humor. This was an enjoyable book.

This was not really funny at all.

Funnier than I expected.


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