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Creative You: Using Your Personality Type To Thrive (2013)

Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive (2013)

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1582703655 (ISBN13: 9781582703657)
Atria Books/Beyond Words

About book Creative You: Using Your Personality Type To Thrive (2013)

I really enjoyed this book. It is based on the Myers Briggs personality types and how they affect your creativity. It also helped me understand how differently Jim and I make decisions that sometimes create miscommunication and frustration when trying to figure out where to eat, etc. Very funny! I also liked how the book suggested each personality type use their strengths and deal with the roadblocks that the particular personality type can cause when trying to complete projects. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a tool used by many to better understand themselves and how they perceive and interact with the world around them. Creative You goes the next step beyond understanding personality types and behaviors to focus on how that knowledge can be applied to creativity and how different kinds of people harness and manifest creativity. The premise is made that all personality types (meaning all people) have the capacity to be creative in their own ways. The book focuses on using the strengths of each person’s particular personality type to take on creative projects in the personal or professional realm. In the same vain as business guru Seth Godin, the authors claim that in order to be successful in work and parenting, innovation and creativity should be encouraged and shared. This book is a great read for those who are looking for their next project but feeling intimidated to start something new. This might be just the nudge many people need to take that next leap.

Do You like book Creative You: Using Your Personality Type To Thrive (2013)?

Insightful, thorough book about creativity in relation to the Myers-Briggs personality types.

Great read. Insightful.

Very, very useful!


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