About book Create: Stop Making Excuses And Start Making Stuff (2000)
The book, "Create: Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Stuff" should have been called, "Create: Stop Making Excuses and Start Making Stuff for God".I didn't look closely enough before impulse-buying this book based on the catchy title, low price tag, and a highly rated spot on Amazon. I very quickly realized the entire book and topic is approached from a heavily religious perspective, which I am not interested in.For some of you, this is not a problem. Enjoy!For others, like myself, it is. Stay away! As others have pointed out, this book is short and reads like an extended blog post. That said, Altrogge includes helpful, biblical advice for anyone who has big ambitions but is having trouble working up the motivation to get started or keep at it.Many of the quotations focus on writing, but this book could equally apply to someone trying to get a certain job, get accepted into a certain school, etc.The book's biggest weakness, in my opinion, is that it doesn't talk at all about when it's time to cut your losses on a project and move on to something else. Since this is a Kindle-only book, perhaps the author will include more material in later versions.
Do You like book Create: Stop Making Excuses And Start Making Stuff (2000)?
This is a short, light read that changed my perspective on the creative process. Highly recommended.
This bookhas given me the urge to try and write a short, and I stress the word short, story.
Short and to the point, but it will make you want to create and to finish.
An inspiring little book for lazy creative types like myself