Everybody’s Looking for SomethingReagan Taylor is living a lot of women’s dream. She is the longtime girlfriend of NBA star Cameron ‘Styles’ Johnson. Other women’s dream, however, is Reagan’s nightmare as cheating and abuse have become the norm. On a night out, Reagan meets Jewel Sanchez, a young hustler that has decided Reagan is the one for him. Has Reagan jumped from the frying pan to the fire?What started out with the potential to be a strong story quickly morphed into a typical story, sacrificing plot and character development. Designer clothes, drugs, more money than most people will see in their lifetime, sex and stereotypically handsome/beautiful characters unfortunately filled the pages of Sasha Ravae’s “Counterfeit Dreams.” By no means a bad story, it simply relied too heavily on the same stereotypes and clichés plaguing many books today. (Handsome, light-skinned, green-eyed, curly-haired, millionaire drug dealer with a big thingamajiggy meets cutie with a booty and long hair that has a degree in shopping and not much else going for herself.) With more focus on the meat of the story, this could have very easily been a better read. The author has potential, but I would strongly suggest the author utilize professionals – editor and graphic designer - for her future releases. Reviewed by: Toni2.5 stars Wow! This was my first time reading from Sasha Ravae and the book was very well written. I liked Reagan though she was a little naive, I think it was bought on because she really didnt have anyone to depend on. She was in a relationship with Styles for 7 years that took her on such an emotional journey, that he made her feel that no matter what he did she had no choice but to stay. Does Reagan Stay or does something finally make her leave?Styles is a typical guy turn NBA pro who is just out there and not spending enough time with Reagan and it doesnt matter what she tried to do to get him to stay he always finds an out. As you read deeper into the story and get to know Styles you just cant stand him, the things he did to Reagan was terrible. Will he wake up and realize shes the one or will it be too late?Robyn is Styles sister is she is a snitch when it comes to Reagan and her brother! Robyn does get Reagan to go out for a night of fun where they both met these two guys. Will it be love at first site or a life changing event?Sasha Ravae did a good job writing this book you get to connect with the characters because you get to see what each one is feeling and how they feel about certain things going on in their lives. This book reminds you that everyone who says that have your back doesnt. This book is filled with friendship, love, betrayal, and of course drama. There are twist and turns in this book some you may see coming and some you dont. I cant wait for part 2!! I need to know what is going to happen next!!
Do You like book COUNTERFEIT DREAMS (2014)?
This was a good read. Even tho some plots were predictable, Sasha Rave told a very intriguing story