This book was very fast-paced, and I couldn't put it down for a second! The main character, Nathan Cobbe, seems like an average British boy, but a year after his mother was hit by a car, he finds himself in a bit of a dilemma. One night, after a strange encounter with a beefeater (guard at the Tower of London), Nathan finds that his father has gone missing. The beefeater had foretold of this happening, so Nathan sets off to find him once again and ask what happened to his father. Nathan finds the beefeater who soon reveals to him that the world is a much more complex place then he may have thought it to be. I really loved this book because it's got time travel, British culture, and a story that jumps around a lot and keeps you entertained. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has an interest in science fiction. This story was a lot of fun, and very touching at times. But it had the tendency to be a little confusing too since it dealt with traveling through time, going back and forth. At first I thought the Beefeater character was strange, but then it made more sense as it went along, and was another nice twist to the story. The end brought a tear to my eye, which was completely unexpected. It was a sweet ending, but a little sad. The whole moral of the book is a good lesson and one that was timely for me.
Do You like book Counter Clockwise (2009)?
great book but really scary at times i really enjoyed it
Kind of strange. It started off better than it ended.