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Cosby: His Life And Times (2014)

Cosby: His Life and Times (2014)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
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145169797X (ISBN13: 9781451697971)
Simon & Schuster

About book Cosby: His Life And Times (2014)

I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway and feel so blessed. This is a great story written so well by Mark Whitaker. It was not written to make Bill Cosby look good - although it does do that - it was written to show Bill Cosby as a human being with all his pros and cons. I have nothing in common with Bill Cosby but truly enjoyed reading how he evolved over the years into one of America's greatest stand-up comics. But that was only one side of who he was. Cosby worked hard all his life to better himself as he became a stand-up comic, then went into television, writing books, making albums. A multifaceted man with strong opinions. He made a few enemies along the way but that's what happens when someone stands strong for what they believe. Now, I would love to watch old Cosby shows and "I Spy" all over again with entirely different eyes. I definitely recommend reading this book not just to get to know Bill Cosby better, but as a lesson in how to make your life better. From the first time I heard "The Best of Bill Cosby" on an LP, I've always liked his stand-up comedy. Add to that growing up watching "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids" and Bill Cosby was a major part of my adolescence. I personally wasn't a big fan of his most famous sitcom, but it had its moments. This is an interesting book written first without Cosby's input and later with it. It seems at times the author pulls some punches, but generally it seems like an honest story.

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One of the most complete and detailed biographies that I have ever read. Enjoyed reading it!

What a life and it isn't over yet!!!

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