Very cute, yet thoroughly "boy-oriented". Your girls may enjoy it, but most boys will get a giant kick out of learning the names of the various earth-movers the construction kitties employ in a day at work. There isn't much building in the book, but there are ACRES of earth-moving. Calling earth "dirt" in every reference is only going to goad the little guys into wanting to get out there and get their hands--yes, and overalls, sneakers, T-shirts and faces--really dirty.The illustrations are a familiar, stylized pre-school variety, rather like "Hello Kitty" with rough edges. Bold, big, and colorful, they will work well for group readings at Story Time. I have a further agenda for promoting this book, which my friends may already have guessed. The book suggests that cats as well as dogs can make perfect pets for both genders. The stereotyping of our pets into "dogs for boys" and "cats for girls" ultimately lessens us. Parents who live in small condos and apartments often cannot provide an appropriately macho dog for Junior, but a big sweet (neutered, of course!) tomcat can make just as good a pet. Little girls may also desire a companion that can run outdoors with them and warn off the bad boys and other strangers. We should teach our children how to be caring and conscientious with the pets we can afford, no matter what species those pets may turn out to be. If your child is happy with a turtle, snake, goldfish, or hamster, your family is fortunate. Just beware. I hear that hamsters are prone to biting! Just picturing my kitties in tiny construction hats gave me the giggles. Driving over the dusty roads to a construction site, digging up dirt with an excavator when they have perfectly good claws to the same job.driving dump trucks, and breaking for lunch with their pails,full of sardines and cool milk. The drawing were simplistic and pale but colorful, I found it lacking in substance, to tell the truth. Not enou humor for me, but it would appeal to the very young set.
Do You like book Construction Kitties (2013)?
Very cute. Only a few syllables per page, which makes it feel like a poem.
Simple illustrations and text about kitties in construction.