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Construction (2014)

Construction (2014)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
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Walker Books Australia

About book Construction (2014)

This story shows the machines used and tells about the work to complete a building. This one just happens to be a library! With just three lines and three sound words per spread it is great for younger readers attention span. Children can do actions to match the test or use objects to help make the sounds. The end page gives a couple sentences about the machines used in the story. I really like the inclusion of a construction with all the safety equipment. Lots of calming greens, blues and yellows are used in the illustrations. I'm usually a sucker for books with word play or onomatopoeia, and this one has plenty of the latter. Fans of big machines will enjoy watching them at work and shouting out the sounds they make as they put things into place. While most picture books featuring machines such as cranes and excavators describe the sound made by the vehicles, this one takes a different approach. The rhyming text and illustrations, created with pigmented inks, showcase the machines but then go a step further to reveal what they've all been working to construct--a library! It's hard to resist a book that pairs a construction site with a refuge for bibliophiles.

Do You like book Construction (2014)?

Great rhythm and rhyme. High interest topic. Clear and engaging illustrations.

Good book for storytime and I love the fact that they are building a library.

Super cute. Great rhythm and rhyme

They built a library :) so cute!!

They are building a new library!

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