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Conquering Fear: Living Boldly In An Uncertain World (2009)

Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World (2009)

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3.38 of 5 Votes: 1
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0307266648 (ISBN13: 9780307266644)

About book Conquering Fear: Living Boldly In An Uncertain World (2009)

Going into this book, I was unprepared for how much of it would be influenced by religious beliefs. I'm not a religious person and am usually turned off by religious text. However, I decided to give the book a chance and was pleasantly surprised. Although I was initially hoping for discussion on smaller fears that were not laced with religious beliefs, I instead was able to absorb a lot of good advice about overcoming big fears. And while the religious bent is off-putting at times, the author who is a rabbi, is able to make some really good points that even non-religious people can appreciate. If I were to make a comparison, I would consider the author a male version of Marianne Williamson, however, they have their own messages and are respectable in their own right. What can I say, I just don't like the self-help genre. I just couldn't relate to the fears that Harold Kushner talks about. Maybe I'm more together than I think. My professional women's book club always picks these types of self-help books and they really are my least favorite types of books to read. I have thought of quitting this club but I really like the women and most of the time I still gain something from the conversation.

Do You like book Conquering Fear: Living Boldly In An Uncertain World (2009)?

Easy read, nothing amazing, I didn't get much of this book. It's more informative than practical.

Didn't finish this, not because I didn't want to, but because I ran out of time at the library!

Beautiful, if simple.

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