About book Confessions Of A Teenage Jesus Jerk (2010)
I loved this book. Having been raised religiously (although not a Jehovah's Witness like the main characters here) I could relate to the central struggles of the teenage narrator, much of which involve a battle between his sex drive, and the religious notion that said sex drive is evil. That is not to say the book is overly simple, and just a teen sex comedy with a religious overlay. Rather, it shows how that central notion that one's most basic desires are wrong, combined with the notion that the religion that has been thrust upon one can NEVER be wrong, leads to all manner of unhealthy suppression. Sexual curiosity becomes obsession. Emotional expression becomes so stifled one loses touch with what one wants and feels. Intellectual curiosity becomes taboo to the point where ideas become potentially destructive. And the characters have to weigh the various sacrifices and benefits that come with being a part of their religious community as they move into adulthood. On top of it all, the book is genuinely funny and told with the earnestness that can only come from a teenage boy who is convinced his compulsive masturbation WILL land him in hell. Much like adolescence, Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk is a roller coaster of emotions. All Gabe wants is to be a normal teenager, to make out with girls and fit in, but being a Jehovah's Witness routinely squashes any chance of that. His narrative is heartfelt, humorous, and thought-provoking. With a unique vantage point not often explored, that of a Jehovah's Witness, this book is a quick but good read.
Do You like book Confessions Of A Teenage Jesus Jerk (2010)?
The book is funny and almost too light until almost the end. Then it's incredibly sad.
funny, smart, fascinating point of view. Catcher in the Rye, Jehovah's Witness-style
I loved the character development and sense of place. An extremely satisfying read.