Beth Graison has fantasized about her boss since her first day at work. Really what hot blooded woman hasn't? He is smart, gorgeous and his kisses are all consuming. She knows. Thanks to one too many beers, one night a year ago. The end. Right? Not so much... Dean hasn't wanted anyone in a long time. Not the way he wants Beth. Only now he learns dear old dad wants her too. Can you hear a hell to the no? Beth and Dean share a connection and he'll be damned to let it go before they explore it. Beth and Dean's story is sexy, funny and filled with enough angst and family drama to deliver the happy ending the reader craves. Eden Summers sassy writing is captivating from the start and keeps readers enraptured to the very last page. Hot, Heartbreaking, Beautiful......This is my first read from the amazing Eden Summers, and it was sexy, smart, and heartwarming. I read it in one night and I felt like it was all happening right in front of me. Let me say that the "shower scene" and the "elevator scene" was HOT! Good job on that one Eden for sure ;) Thank you for the wonderful story and I look forward to reading more from this incredibly talented author.
Do You like book Concealed Desire (2013)?
This was a cute, fun read. It's short so only takes a few hours to read. Definitely check it out!