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Como Puede Curarse Una Ala Rota? (2008)

Como Puede Curarse Una Ala Rota? (2008)

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4.16 of 5 Votes: 4
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8484525651 (ISBN13: 9788484525653)
Intermon Oxfam

About book Como Puede Curarse Una Ala Rota? (2008)

~Gorgeous illustrations! This book can be read by emergent readers because the illustrations are so vivid. They tell the story without words. ~Inspirational: The colorful, lit part of the illustrations exemplifies how showing love to someone/something spreads. The whole community changes because of the love one child shows for an injured bird.~Could promote building community in the classroom. Everyone comes together to help with the bird. New friendships are formed. The community changes together.~K-3 Childrens' picture books are amazing. The seemingly simple illustrations can tell a story that would take an entire chapter of words to try to convey. This book is superb in doing just that. It makes me wish I was a Sunday School teacher so I could share this book with my class. It contains the same spirit as The Good Samaritan parable Jesus told, but told with just a very few words, & pictures simple enough for very young children while complex enough to reach adult readers. There are already plenty of wonderful reviews posted here but I just wanted to add this idea. This book is a gold mine!!

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A beautiful book about seeing and doing. Winner of Children's Book Council early childhood category.

ALA ALSC Notable 2009


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