About book Comment Séduire Un Vampire (Sans Y Laisser Sa Peau) (2009)
Okay, forgive me, but I'm just doing a quick review on this! I LOVED it! It's an extremely short read-it took me maybe 20 minutes? But it's SO cute, well...not cute, but hilarious! Vlad Mezrich is painfully truthful about our chances with a vampire (pretty slim)-and very helpful on how to tell the biters from the wanna-be's! The book is filled with quizzes, and how-to's, even a shopping guide if I remember correctly! I know this review is short, and I apologize, but the book is extremely short too, and writing a review on this is like writing a review on a painting that you've never seen before-you have to go out there and experience it for yourself. So, buy the book, it's funny, and a good read-if not a short one! I picked up this book because I loved He’s Just Not That Into You (still haven’t seen the movie, but I want to) and was hoping this would be just as good. This was a short, fun read that I’m glad I picked up. From it, I learned that my partner is more than likely a vampire and that I’m the perfect girl to be dating vampires.If my partner ever starts looking at other necks, Mezrich’s given me tips on what to do and how to deal with him. I’ll probably try getting myself into dangerous situations first, but if that doesn’t work I’ll just stake him through the heart and find a nice slayer to go and date as a nice “up yours” to him from his second grave.
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Funny and Cheesy! Sometimes you just need one of these in your life.
No idea why i loved this book SOOO darn much! ❤❤❤