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Cold Company (2013)

Cold Company (2013)

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About book Cold Company (2013)

This freebie novella is not the first in the series, nevertheless, it was recommended to me, and I decided to give it a try. The plot pulled me in right away. Psychic consultant Marnie and her revenant/vampire partner were great together, loved the wit, banter and Harry's old world charm.The story itself had a good balance of humor and the paranormal, and right after I finished this novella, I added the first book in the series to my TBR list. I may have found a new favorite author and series. For a short story/novella this was a wonderful reading experience. This story has old school vampires, psychics, cops, criminals, mystery, suspense, sexual tension, and humor all in the perfect amounts. Then, after the featured story, the reader is graced with not one, but three chapters of another book in this same series to further whet the appetite. A. J. Aalto can not bring a scene to life with words, but can also write believable dialogue.

Do You like book Cold Company (2013)?

I didn't like this book as much as the first one, it was still a quick, enjoyable read.

Love The Marnie Baranuik files. Fast short story, but well written.

Liked the idea of Wes, Harry, and Marnie all working together.

Can't get enough Marnie!

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