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Cold A Long Time: An Alpine Mystery (2000)

Cold a Long Time: An Alpine Mystery (2000)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 4
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1467975915 (ISBN13: 9781467975919)

About book Cold A Long Time: An Alpine Mystery (2000)

Wow. This was a really good book and told a very interesting story. The first half was the best and read very well. I was immediately pulled into the story and the narrative telling of Bob and Lynda's search for their son and the truth of their son was engrossing. It's a sad but wonderful story. I came away admiring their dedication and search for truth and with a lot of respect for them. Their tenacity in the face of so many obstructions is amazing.When the author takes up the narrative discussing his investigation, ruminations, etc., I started skimming a Lot. He'd already told us enough when relating Lynda and Bob's efforts in the first half that I'd guessed the general outcome, who the most malicious deceptors were (according to what they eventually put together), and that this was a small town protecting its own. The last 40% of the narrative could have been accomplished in half the word count. The interesting part of his portion is the input he got from other experts. What I skimmed was a lot of what, for me, was unnecessary justification of his conclusions of deception. I find it very easy to believe that otherwise wonderful people can do terrible things to protect their own, but maybe he thought some readers needed a Lot of help to get there.That said, if you're a good skimmer (for the end part), i can highly recommend this book. It reads a bit like fiction only it had a much deeper emotional effect because you sympathize with what Duncan's parents went through to discover the truth and they're real people. Their story is fascinating and deeply moving. SPOILER:For those who want to know before they read, because I did, here's what I wanted to know right away.1) Duncan's body was eventually found2) There is a very plausible explanation given for what happened to him. You won't he left hanging.3) No one was ever held responsible and the circumstances of his death have never been admitted to or acknowledged, but rather were deduced.4) They found his body in the middle of the ski run. A tragic account of the mysterious disappearance of former Saskatoon Blade Duncan McPherson who disappeared on the slopes of a ski hill in Austria after ending his brief NHL career. The efforts by the ski hill and local authorities to cover up his death are a cautionary tale for any Canadian travelling abroad. His parents' dedication to uncovering the truth are a testament to their enduring love for a son struck down far too young.

Do You like book Cold A Long Time: An Alpine Mystery (2000)?

I was fascinated and horrified by this story of a young man from Canada who disappeared in Europe.

A truly remarkable story of deception and cover up.


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