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Coin Operated (2010)

Coin Operated (2010)

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1426890001 (ISBN13: 9781426890000)
Carina Press

About book Coin Operated (2010)

I had actually thought the covers of this series kind of funny -- until I read this short novella and discovered that laundry isn't a metaphor, but an actual part of the story. Elliot and Bea don't literally get it on inside a washer, but it's almost that weird. It made me lose all interest in the big exciting sexy bizarre finale. It didn't help that Elliot is a confused, inconsistent character and you never know what the hell he's going to say. It seems like a bad pun to call him wishy-washy, but if the shoe fits... I'm no D/s expert, but one thing I can guess very few subs want is a wishy-washy Dom.It might be more appealing to readers who like D/s with a service aspect, and with a bit of pain. heat level: 5 out of 5kink: bdsm, binding, spanking*book provided by publisher for honest review*This books was hot, hot, hot! From the beginning with Eli's fantasy of Bea to the very end I was drawn in. I liked that the author let you get to know the characters first and only had fantasies before they took the next step. Eli was dominant but was afraid of it due to past incident and that adds to the tension because Bea really wants that side of him. Office romances are sometimes hard to pull off but I think the author made this believable since they are both the bosses and some of it takes place after hours. I will definitely try and get more by this author!I would also like to say that this is the second book I have read by Carina Press and I have to say the quality of the storytelling and editing is just as good as other top publishing house. I even think it is better than the Aphrodisia line which I refuse to buy from due to the stories mostly being sex w/o the relationship. I will definitely try some other books by this publisher.

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Read it. Sexy, little bit of sub/dom, with a good HEA.

A quick and hot read!

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