The intro to this book was great. Fantastic set-up, plot, characters, then it fell apart. I only finished it because I was hoping the main character would die and I had to see if he did.First of all, I get it, you are from another country and writing in a voice with a character can be difficult BUT a little research wouldn't kill you. I am sorry but NO American sits there and thinks to themself "How long is the lift going to take?" "Mum is flying back from vacation" "Let me see what's on the telly" Americans don't use those slang words - AT ALL.Two characters that one would think would serve a purpose and completely didn't so why were they even there? Wyn, the old army buddy and Michelle's father. They come in a important secondary characters and their time is a complete waste.The main character Chris is a super genius, served in the military, has some common sense and suddenly once half way through the book he's a completely different character who's dumber than a box of rocks and you want to him smack so hard. The only character I liked, Det. Ben Naylor, we don't know how he'll end up. That was a giant loose end. (he should have been killed instantly by the way with what occurred) The ending, so completely contrived and bullshit, even with the suspension of disbelief. Learn how a job in higher education works - a person doesn't just walk away from actively teaching without having a long conversation with department heads and so forth just to work for the people fronting money for research. One also doesn't not step back in to that role on a whim. And don't get me started on the "I hadn't even posted your job yet" bit because that is not how it functions what so ever.If you feel the need to waste your time, go ahead, read this novel. I want my hours back. I went in to this book with expectations, the synopsis on Amazon only describes the first 1/4 of the book. I thought Michelle would be fighting for Chris's innocence almost the entire thing. Nope, that took a mere chapter. Highly disappointed. Chris Sanders is a computer whiz, a ex British soldier and now college teacher and researcher. He has developed remarkable software, but when one of his students and fellow researcher is shot while out jogging, he becomes a suspect in her killing. What follows is a run in with a super secret group that is developing a drone carried assassination weapon. I could say more, but that would give too much away so you’ll just have to read it yourself.
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I pictured Chris as looking like Daniel Craig. Ha ha. =)
Technology to die for....What's not to like?