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Code Name: Nanny (2004)

Code Name: Nanny (2004)

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0440237602 (ISBN13: 9780440237600)

About book Code Name: Nanny (2004)

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this book that some heavy editing wouldn’t fix. While filled with likeable characters and done in a decent prose, as a whole, the book was disjointed and dragged on, after a clumsy stumble. The story begins when FBI agent Summer Mulcahey starts her new assignment posing as a nanny to keep a junior prosecutor and her two children safe. She meets Navy SEAL Gabe Morgan when he strolls naked out of her shower, victim of a prank by Summer’s charges, Audra and Sophy. Audra is your typical sullen teen. Sophy is a quirky little girl with psychic powers. Their mother, Cara O’Connor, is engaged to a presidential hopeful and in the midst of prosecuting a very dangerous man. On the heels of the shower incident, Gabe and Summer get locked in a garden shed and find themselves getting hot and bothered while Gabe helps her out the roof. They wind up working closely together when it’s revealed Gabe was hired by Cara’s fiancé, Senator Tate Winslow, to keep her family safe. They have a few hair-raising adventures, but the story is bogged down by too many touching family moments. I don’t think the author is adept at keeping more than one story going at a time, but it’s manageable. Our hero and heroine bring things to a head when they go on a spying mission to Mexico and get chased by the bad guys. We go through the typical separation of Gabe and Summer when their assignment is over, but their reunion goes awry. Summer hunts Gabe down to declare her feelings, and this is when the story should have wrapped. Unfortunately, in an attempt to be “different,” the book gets horribly clumsy and starts to drag. We have our false reunion, followed quickly by the real reunion, which makes me wonder why the false reunion was even necessary (it wasn’t), just before the wedding of Cara and Tate. I got the impression the author was much more fond of her characters than I was and couldn’t bear to let them go. Despite its flaws, however, the book was not badly written. It just needed a committed team of ruthless editors to clean it up.

I have to say, another winner by Christina Skye! While I have to admit, I'm reading the books completely out of order, I am thoroughly enjoying the series. I just wish I knew exactly what books are in the series. I know I have 2 of them, Nanny & Baby, and I have Princess on the way.When Summer Mulcahey is assigned to protect San Francisco's youngest and female assistant DA and her children, she is not aware that Navy Seal Gabe Morgan is also on protection detail there at the personal request of Senator Tate Winslow. But she finds out in a hurry when she finds him standing naked in her shower!You will love the assistant DA, Cara O'Connor, her fiance Senator Tate Winslow, and her two adorable daughters, Audra and Sophy. Sophy is a little odd but lovable nonetheless. And let's not forget about Gabe and Summer!Mayhem, attempted murder, potential blackmail, and more ensue in this action packed contemporary romance novel. A must read novel.Five out of five stars

Do You like book Code Name: Nanny (2004)?

I would say this book is more a suspense novel more than a romance novel. The romance is secondary. There is a pretty good suspense story. Summer is a FBI agent, she is under cover for District Attorney Cara's Children as a Nanny. Cara is being threatened by a goon who is going to trial. Cara is engaged to be married to Senator Tate. So the first romance is about these two (Cara and Tate). The second romance is about Summer FBI agent and Gabe Navy Seal. But I think the story is more about the mystery or suspense mission.”

This book was on track for 5 stars for 3/4 of the way through. Then, the whole plot just took a turn into the realm of "are you kidding me?". I really enjoy the romance with mystery plot. The relationships between Summer and the children, sulky teen Audra and bouncy 9 year old Sophy, were great to see develop. Summer and Gabe were wonderful as two alphas battling for control, both of the situation and each other.Summer is an FBI agent assigned to protect a San Francisco Assistant District Attorney, Cara, who has received threats and is also engaged to Tate, Senator from California and Presidential hopeful. Summer's cover is as the children's nanny. She encounters Gabe, a family friend of Tate's and a Navy SEAL on medical rehab leave, and the battle begins for control of the mission and their feelings for each other.

i absolutely fell in love with this book the moment i read it. ONE OF MY FAVORITE. i was inspired to become a FBI agent like Summer after the book was done. HOT SEXY ROMANCE, thrills, and fun!i was SO SERIOUS for 2 years til one day, i decided to look up the requirements to be an FBI and i gave up hope LOL but everyone knew i wanted to become one, esp my first love. i remember like it was yesterday in 9th grade in hands-on technology class. we would get 15 mins of book reading before the start of class and that was how i picked up this book, it was on my teachers bookshelves and he told me that these books belongs to his wife, and i would sit in the back of the classroom all day, everyday and read this whole book! i was always a teacher's pet so they let me do whatever i wanted, so yes i passed the class with just reading books all year long LOL. and because of this book, i ignored my most crushed HS cutie cause i wouldnt pay any attention to him CAUSE OF READING THIS BOOK in tech class. wow i dropped human-love for book-love. how's this for a book review?this is the best review i swear LOL
—Nickey Vu

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