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Clutter Rehab: 101 Tips And Tricks To Become An Organization Junkie And Love It! (2010)

Clutter Rehab: 101 Tips and Tricks to Become an Organization Junkie and Love It! (2010)

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3.35 of 5 Votes: 3
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1569758638 (ISBN13: 9781569758632)
Ulysses Press

About book Clutter Rehab: 101 Tips And Tricks To Become An Organization Junkie And Love It! (2010)

Quick advice, a tip per page. Easy to read, and simple meaningful advice. This book isn't an a-to-z on clutter or organization. Rather, I'd recommend it as a follow-up book to help people stay the course of working towards "living in a home, not a a storage unit". Immediately after finishing it, I got up and clean & organized my kitchen drawers ~ lol! So I guess the book was very inspiring to take action! I am writing this review amid the clutter on my desk, wondering where the author went wrong in her motivational tips... lol. Just kidding. Although the ideas presented in the book are by no means original or enlightening, I did get a surge of organizational energy and managed to clean out two of my kids' closets --a major feat, believe me. The point of reading the book was accomplished: to gear my inside Martha into action.

Do You like book Clutter Rehab: 101 Tips And Tricks To Become An Organization Junkie And Love It! (2010)?

Really basic but great for newbies - it reads as a sort of organising highlights reel.

Very quick tips on how to make your life easier! I use the purge rules everyday!

Not bad. Whipped through it in a day, and drew some good ideas from it.

Good basic tips and guidelines for becoming more organized.

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