I enjoyed reading this. That said, I feel like it could use some pruning, I felt like some characters were added just to make certain points that weren't needed and a lot was contrived. I also felt like the audience for the book wasn't quite clear either, there were facts thrown in that felt like the author was putting them in to show that she knew them. I'm looking forward to discussing it as it did bring up lots interesting points. I had the honor of reading Ellen's other book, So It Was Written, and I fell in love with both her writing style and her ability to tell powerful stories with a lot of truth to them. This is a woman that does her research to make sure that her books are accurate. But it isn't just her attention to detail, but the amount of details and description she puts into the stories.Clouds Across the Sun is just as awesome as So It Was Written. I fell in love with Jo. But it wasn't only her character, each character as they were introduced gave me an invested interest, even the ones that I disliked. Ellen knows how to use a character arc effectively. As the characters change and grow, the reader gets to see that change and development.I really loved the underlying connections in this one too. It was such an amazing book. Ellen is a wonderful writer and I hope she releases some new books soon!I recommend this book for those that like pieces that take a look at the past and put a new spin on what history has shown us.
Do You like book Clouds Across The Sun (2009)?
This is a must read. Well written and very fast reading. A good story as well as historical
Excellent read. A different take on what happened during WWII,
Had it all. Mystery, romance. Great read and very interesting
my mom says it's good, we'll see - done - it's contrived