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Christmas On Mill Street (2008)

Christmas on Mill Street (2008)

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3.8 of 5 Votes: 3
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1590388046 (ISBN13: 9781590388044)
Shadow Mountain

About book Christmas On Mill Street (2008)

Short, fun, easy Christmas book. I was born in 1963 so I could relate to many details in the story. I laughed aloud many times, which I rarely do. Anytime someone says "nuts" I still laugh. That little part of the book was a fun dinner time conversation for me and my family. As we have been watching lots of Christmas movies the last few weeks, we all laugh about "Gold, Frankenstein, and .....nuts" Cute book. Nothing to write home to Mom about...well, I guess that depends on the type of books your mom likes to read. If you are looking for a cute, fast read to enhance the Christmas mood then this book can go in your stack of books. It is more focused on Santa than on Christ so don't think that this book will give you the warm, build-your-faith sort of feeling that you might really be wanting to experience during the holiday season.

Do You like book Christmas On Mill Street (2008)?

Very cute Christmas story, takes you back many years. Quick and easy read.

Sweet story akin "A Christmas Story".

Cute, easy Christmas read.

Cute book, quick read.

Laugh out loud.

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