About book China Dog: And Other Tales From A Chinese Laundry (2002)
If I could put 3 1/2, I would. I liked it, but it didn't quite rank up there with my other 4 star books. Part of the reason I liked it is that I like reading about Chinese immigrant experience, and also I like short stories. And then, it is well-written. That always puts a book on the plus side for me.The collection reminded me a lot of Amy Tan's books, but the characters seemed a little more sane and civil than Tan's.I think this collection gave me a whole new outlook on the people, actual people, who run the Chinese restaurants and laundries. It is the kind of book I would like my boys to read someday. This is not to say that the book is preachy in any way, because it isn't, but it just puts faces and personalities to those that we don't see.
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