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Chill Wind (2006)

Chill Wind (2006)

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0374411832 (ISBN13: 9780374411831)
farrar, straus and giroux (byr)

About book Chill Wind (2006)

The novel, "Chill Wind," is about a young, African American, woman, named Aisha, who lives in the complete projects and has two kids with no job, education, or money and lives with her mother. She is surrounded by the project life of "chilling" while letting welfare, food stamps and etc, handle her responsibilities. The area she is surrounded in effects her dramatically. The only life style that surrounds her or that she only knows of is the "project life" and that's letting the government take care of you and your responsibilities, not having a job, no education, having multiple babies and etc. She had a chance to change that stigma that was set upon her but she wanted to fit into it because she believed that was the easiest life style. Depending on where you live you will grow up differently to someone who lives somewhere else. An example of this is two different people, one has grown up in the hood or projects and the other has grown up in a great safe neighborhood. The reason that this occurs is because depending on where you live you learn differently and see different things and where you come from can sometimes determine who you are and what you can achieve if you let it.(McDonald 37) "The mail carrier in Aisha's neighborhood was never more popular than on the first of the month. That's when folks gathered in lobbies waiting for him like for the messiah. Having food, paying rent, or simply replacing a burnt-out bulb all depended on the timely delivery of social security and welfare checks."

This book is the greatest. It's about a girl who's welfare checks is about to expire and she has to find a way to make money because her baby daddy, Kevin, isn't helping her and she isn't choosing welfare So she tries all kinds of ways to raise money like hairbraiding and babysitting. Then one day while watching tv she sees an ad fo rbig models so she decides to check it out. When she get's there she get's called names and get's into a fight. Will she ever find the right job, or will she be living on the streets with her two kids waiting for Kevin to come around?

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