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Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul II (1998)

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II (1998)

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1558746161 (ISBN13: 9781558746169)
health communications, inc.

About book Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul II (1998)

شوربة دجاج لأرواح المراهقينالكتاب مفيد الى ابعد غاية لمن كبر و نسي مشاعر المراهقة و طريقتهم في الحيا ، حياة المراهقين حب و امل ممزوجة بيأس و احباط و اشياء عجيبة اخرى ، ضائعون و هم بيننا يحتاجون من يتقبلهم و يثق بهم ، هم بالمجمل يحبون الخير و يسارعون فيه و لك ان تنظر الكم الهائل من الحماسة و الجدّ ان اتيحت لهم الفرصة .و اصاب بالاغماء امام الشاب المراهق طولا و عرضا و ثقلا ينبض قلبه في كل حين حبا و يطور نفسه يسعى و لا يجلس وفاء لحبه و املا به ، هو المراهق الحيّ الحق و دونه الزّيف ، اجل فالمراهقة مشاعر جياشة و انفس قويّة و امال صادقة مدروسة ،و كمراهقة استفدت منه الخبرة فقد عشت تجارب و قصصا كثيرة استنتجت بنفسي العبر منها و كان ذلك ممتعا ، عزمت ان اغير نفسي كمن سبقني و الا اركن للذل ، و قد قال صلى الله عليه و سلم [ لا ينبغي للمؤمن ان يذل نفسه ] ! فهمت نفسي اكثر ، كثير من القصص كانت تشبهني الى حد ما و بعضها كان اسوا مما عانيت و مع ذلك فالجبل لا تهزه الريح ، و هكذا تشجعت اكثر فما المانع من ان احول شخصيتي الى جبل ؟ لماذا ارضى بها دعصا يتمكنه الانذال و حتى الاطفال ؟

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is a series of books that are helpful to teenagers. They are books that nurture the soul and make you realize that there are other people who share some of the same experiences as you. I really liked this book because it kept me thinking about the situations some of these girls were in and i found that I have also been on some familiar situations. They are stories that can really capture someone's eye. I liked this book in particular because it was not like others where I sometimes skip a story and then read another, but I read all of the stories. I think that girls that have a lot of problems would enjoy reading this book as well as others who like to read about things that happen to others and connect with them. If anyone has read other books that say Chicken Soup I think that they would also enjoy reading this book. I really likes=d this book and I think many people out there will also.This book talks about social issues, drama, school and many other things young adults are dealing with today. Each person in this book talks about how they overcame the problem that they were facing and how if you are facing the same problem you should do the same.

Do You like book Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul II (1998)?

tChicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II is a book of short stories about the times and trials of teenage life. It was designed to help make “coming of age” and living your life a little easier. It has sad stories, happy stories, funny stories, all sorts of stories. tThis book was specifically made to connect with teenagers. It is supposed to be (surprise surprise) chicken soup for the teenage soul *gasp*, shocking, I know. It's supposed to make you laugh and cry and, well, feel. It's supposed to connect to your life and help you through it. And it does... some of the time.tI gave this book 3 stars. I love and loathe this book. I've read it at least twice and each time I think to my self “that. Was so... beautiful” and then I think “why in the world did I *sob* read that again!?!? *sob*” It is just so sad! But so good! But bad, sad, good, beautiful! Ahhhhhhh *BOOOM* (yup, that was my head... exploding... from too many conflicting feelings... about this book) So if you a teenager looking for a confusingly emotional read pick this one up. But beware of exploding heads.

In addition to being a fun read, this book has everything. It talks about everything from friends to family to love to sports and accomplishments, and is full of quotes and stories and jokes that keep it interesting. Whether you need it for comfort or just read it for fun, this would be a good book for any teenager.Personally, I would read a few pages before bed just for the relaxing humour and interesting stories. It lets you know that other people have had some of the same experiences as yourself and offers advice. I also loved the quotes on the sides and it actually does offer nice words of wisdom.
—Jacqueline Fazekas

سأضع له تقييماً عالي لأنني حين قرأته في صغري، أعتقد كنت في الثالثة عشر من عمري أو الرابعة عشر لا أتذكر جيداً. ولكنه كان من الكتب التي ساعدتني لأتخطى هذه المرحلة وأتعداها بجدارة وبنفسية جيدة.رغم أن غالبية ظروف المراهقين العرب تختلف عن المراهقين الأجنبيين ولكن هناك إحساس بالفهم بأن على الرغم مما حدث لهم وعلى الرغم من إختلافه إلا أني كنت قادرة على فهمه والأحساس به.شوربة دجاج لمن لا يعرف مجموعة قصص حقيقية من واقعهم وبعض ما حدث لهمأعارتني صديقتي الجزء الأول واحببته ، ثم هممت لأشتري الجزء الثانيأعترف بكيت كثيرًا وأنا اقرأ الكتاب . وأتذكر بأن أستاذة رأتني اقرأه وأخذته مني وتصفحته ثم ألقت بعض الكلمات الساخرة واللاذعة. لا أعلم لِم هناك هذه العادة البذيئة في الكبار وهي أن ينتقدوا كل ما نفعل، حتى لو الأمر لم يعنيهم.يستصغرون كل شيئاً فينا ثم يتوقعون منا أن نقدم أفضل مالدينا . أود أن أستعيد كل الذكريات الجميلةبقراءته مجددًا ولكن أعتقد بأنني كبرت ولن يؤثر علي كما كان يفعل
—Toolah hussain

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