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Chicken Soup (2009)

Chicken Soup (2009)

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0810983265 (ISBN13: 9780810983267)
Harry N. Abrams

About book Chicken Soup (2009)

Date: October 14th, 2014Author: Jean Van Leeuwen; Illustrated by David Gavril Title: Chicken SoupPlot: Little Chickie has a cold; Meanwhile, Mrs. Farmer has taken out her big pot to make Chicken Soup and all the chickens in the farm have a panic attack. Who will be the unlucky chicken in Mrs. Farmer's chicken soup?Setting: Animal Farm; Chicken CoupCharacters: Little ChickiePoint-of-Views: Third-PersonTheme: MiscommunicationStyle: Narrative; Fiction Copyright: 2009Notes: This would be a cute book for a kindergarten student or first grade student. I didn't like the illustrations or the storyline for that matter. This is more of a children's book for entertaining, not for learning. What do you do when a chicken has a cold? Well, making chicken soup is certainly out of the question!When the animals learn that Mrs. Farmer is getting her big pot out, they quickly inform the chickens that she's making chicken soup. The chickens immediately skedaddle...except for little Chickie who has a cold.Mr. Farmer is getting closer and closer, but Chickie just can't stop sneezing everywhere. Soon, though, Chickie is in the clutches of Mr. Farmer. What's a sick chick to do? Read Chicken Soup for a surprising romp around the farm!

Do You like book Chicken Soup (2009)?

This would make a great read aloud with many opportunities for the children to interact.

great illustrations, suspenseful, funny, fantastic!

Another good storytime book!

This book is called, "achoo"

Great book for storytime -

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