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Chapmistres View - Adam And Ben (2014)

Chapmistres View - Adam and Ben (2014)

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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book Chapmistres View - Adam And Ben (2014)

As I have said before, I love m-preg stories and this is definitely a cute one. The focus is split between the two mates meeting and getting to know each other and the pregnancy with all its effects on them.Adam is a vampire who has been around for a while, almost two thousand years to be exact. He is overjoyed when he meets his mate, literally walking into him and knocking him over, but Ben has a few issues. Luckily, Adam's experience gives him the patience to deal with those - once he knows what is going on.Ben has no idea the gorgeous vampire is his mate, and, based on past experience with an abusive vampire, he is not exactly overjoyed at having another one stalking him. He is a witch using his healing powers to work as a nurse and his friends at the hospital have to intervene and support him, and once Ben gets used to the idea (and Adam's thoughtful attentions) it is easy for him to fall for his perfect vampire match.If you like stories with supernatural heroes and male witches who can get pregnant,and if you're looking for a read that moves from sweet to sweeter and very hot, then you will probably like this free short story. Thanks to the author for this free story and keep on writing and improving.Just a few points, I hope you'll take it personally.Ben was in each than I guess the anatomy a girl.The background stuff (Ian etc) that all is always spilled in one big dialogue bothered me.No background for Ian and his goons, and I think at least one small chapter in between showing Ian's reaction and plans and by the way how did he find Ben. And Ben walked 2 month but his mate was well known by IanThe world building needs work (how cone whiches and vampires life together, where, why, how does this community work´, where does the blood come from etc etc)More backround on whiches and what they can doMore background on the pregnancy thingThe falling abkeep with the mate was a bit too overused in my opinion.Good setup for the next partI liked the wooing part even though they were life mates because I'm no fan of inta-love

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3,5* upgrade because I would love to read Casey and Jackson story.

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