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Chanter Dans Le Noir (2012)

Chanter Dans Le Noir (2012)

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4.2 of 5 Votes: 1
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Les Editions De La Courte Echelle Inc.

About book Chanter Dans Le Noir (2012)

The brave main character of this little tale tells the story of her mile-long walk to the school bus stop each morning. She meets many perils, including walking in the darkness, through the forest, among many dangerous animals. But she doesn’t allow herself to be afraid; instead, she sings the dark away.It is revealed in the information about the author that she actually did walk a mile each morning to the bus stop. By reading this story, children can see a strategy for dealing with difficulties in a positive way. A summer-long swelter has had me wishful for winter. My daughter entering Kindergarten has made me nostalgic for elementary school, with its sharpened pencils, blunt-tip scissors, and cubby holes waiting for my coat and backpack. This book is the perfect anecdote for these longings...I actually feel chilly when I read it. The little girl in the story is using her imagination to make a common journey uncommon. You feel uneasy, excited, and scared (yes, Anne Shirley, deliciously scared!) as she takes her path to school. The journey IS the adventure. There is only way to treat a book like this one. Hug it and read it again.

Do You like book Chanter Dans Le Noir (2012)?

Beautiful illustrations and nice rhymes. Tells a wonderful little story about rural life in winter.

Хубава история, прекрасни илюстрации, чуден превод :-)

Love this illustrator! Glad to see her involved in more work! (It's a lovely story, too).

A quiet book, but I loved the artwork.

Love the illustrations.

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