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Changing My Wardrobe (2011)

Changing My Wardrobe (2011)

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Philyra Publishing LLC

About book Changing My Wardrobe (2011)

CRÍTICALi este livro a 21 de Abril de 2012. Gostei tanto, que lhe dou 5 estrelas.Nesta história é-nos apresentada Lindsey, uma rapariga que tenciona mudar de vida ao entrar no liceu. Farta de ser invisível e/ ou gozada pelos colegas, renova o seu guarda-roupa; os resultados saltam à vista logo no primeiro dia de aulas. Quem de nós não ansiou por uma oportunidade destas na escola? Agradaram-me os temas tratados, nomeadamente o bullying; os jovens podem ser deveras cruéis uns para os outros. Lembro-me de estar a ler e de pensar “aqui está uma história para jovens adultos, bem contada, e sem elementos sobrenaturais”. No final tal alterou-se, mas mesmo assim as coisas não perderam o interesse.O fim deixou-me triste; a Lindsey merecia um melhor desfecho. Tratando-se de uma “sobrevivente” da tirania social que vigora entre os jovens, e uma acérrima defensora do que está certo, gostaria que ela tivesse tido a hipótese de continuar a usufruir dos ganhos que advieram da mudança de guarda-roupa. Há que destacar esta analogia: afinal o guarda-roupa revelou-se insignificante no desfecho da narrativa – conduziu a personagem até ali, mas não lhe valeu de muito.Para terminar, temi que a Jocelyn fosse uma psicopata pela forma como foi descrita de início; acho que não era preciso tanto para mostrar a sua diferença. Mas ainda bem que a ‘diferença’ levou a melhor e ela teve o final merecido. E por falar em ‘final merecido’, o castigo dos vilões é sempre bem-vindo. Não importa se isso é considerado por alguns um cliché – considero que tal é importante quando queremos passar uma lição.REVIEWI read this book on April 21, 2012. I liked it so much that I rate it 5 stars.In this story we meet Lindsey, a girl who intends to change her lives when she goes to high school. Tired of being invisible and/ or teased by her colleagues, she renews her wardrobe; the results stand out on the first day of classes. Who among us has not longed for a chance like that at school?I was pleased by the topics covered, including bullying - young people can be quite cruel to each other.I remember reading the text and thinking "Here's a story for young adults, well told, and with no supernatural elements." In the end this has changed, but still things haven’t lost interest.The end made me sad; Lindsey deserved a better outcome. Since she was a "survivor" of the social tyranny which exists among teenagers, and a staunch defender of the right, I wish she had had a chance to continue enjoying the gains obtained after the change of wardrobe. It is worth noting this analogy: after all, the wardrobe wasn’t that important – it led the character to that point, but it was no good to her.Finally, I feared that Jocelyn was a psychopath by the way she was described initially. I think it wasn’t necessary that much to show her difference. But I’m glad that the 'difference' won and she had the deserved happy ending. And speaking of 'the deserved ending’, the punishment of the villains is always welcome. Even if some considered it a cliché, I think that this is important when we want to give a lesson. Lindsey is a likable freshman who I think a lot of girls could relate to. Lindsey has a great friendship with Teeny. But is it strong enough to overcome betrayal? I think that things have changed a bit since I went to High School and I think this story gave me a good perspective as a parent. I totally would read this strikingly tragic story. I would have some tissue near. I do not normally cry but I did shed some tears with this story. My heart broke a little tonight.Changing Wardrobe is a compelling novel that will give you a glimpse of how bullying, being deserted and how death of loved ones change and effect us. This is an enjoyable read that had some unexpected events. I was very surprised at the ending. I just did not see that happening. A great read that make you really reflect on life and what is really important. Changing Wardrobe has left a lasting impression on me. This is a clean YA read with no sex but it does contain swearing.

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It was a cute story, but It was a shocker for me at the end, was not expecting such an ending

i haven't read yet but already gave the ratings :) i'm dying to go buy this book and read !

Free iBook. Not quite the ending I expected.

I wasnt expecting that end!! Made me cry!

copout ending.

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