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Centelhas (2009)

Centelhas (2009)

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About book Centelhas (2009)

7/13/09 - As a first novel for Hyatt Bass, this wasn't bad, but it lacked...something. It's the story of a more or less dysfunctional family, switching back & forth between past & present. I normally like this format, but I felt like there were big gaps in the story and at times I almost felt like I was reading an abridged version. The foreshadowing leads you to believe that there was a big "event" in the past that made everything downhill spiral from that point on, causing the family's demise. But when all was said and done, I was disappointed & was expecting more. I think some of the elements of a good story were there, but just weren't explored as they could've been. I pre-ordered this novel as I was eager to read the debut novel from the indie filmmaker I admire ("79 degrees in July") I was deeply moved by this book. I loved the subtleties of the characters and the fact that the writer doesn't flinch at looking at their flaws. Complex characters with soul. Very real. There's a quiet beauty to the tone and a wry sense of humor that keeps the novel from getting too heavy.

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I quit. I found it dragged. By the third disk, I was ready for it to be finished.

A little hard to get into to but well worth struggle :-) I really enjoyed it!


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