This was a lovely story that straddles the line between PNR and UF. On the surface it's a PNR about love and family, but it's all held together with the compelling plot point of a group of shifters just wanting freedom and peace from a self-appointed, overbearing and corrupted council of rulers.I liked all the characters because they acted like people with logical motivations. I especially liked the main characters of Sophie and Dylan. They start out with some major issues with each other, but throughout the novel they talk about their problems and soon understand a lot of it is built on past misunderstandings and a lack of trust. It was truly refreshing to read about adults responding to situations like adults instead of brash and hot-headed teenagers. I also like that for both of these characters family is deeply important and they would do anything to protect them. Not just in the usual "I'm a badass with improbable training" ways, but through sucking up their pride and enduring things they aren't entirely comfortable with for the sake of others. That's what makes a strong character to me.I found the writing style to be fluid and easy to read and the pace set never felt too rushed or too plodding for me. In fact I read 70% of the book in one evening without even noticing the time was passing, and only stopped when I felt my eyes turn in to gritty marbles and was too tired to continue.I'd heartily recommend this to anyone who wants to read about strong women demonstrating love for their family, alpha males who can demonstrate leadership and strength without being jerks, and for anyone who wants a good old tale of "good" vs "evil" and hope and love lighting the way through darkness. How do I say this nicely...? This book is not for me.I hate reading romances where the hero and/or heroine are parents. Most books where that happens lack sexual tension and fun, and this book was no different. I had reservations going in about that, due to my preferences, but I was ready to ignore because the beginning didn't have that parent vibe that typically turns me away.Good start. Terribly boring middle. No desire to read the last 25%. Why? Because the parents are back together. There was no sexual tension to make me root for the couple. The only tension was from distrust, and apparently, sixteen years of hard feelings were easy to drop in less than a week. Sex cures all, folks.Romance did not work for me at all. Did not seem realistic. Did not pull me in. Did not make me care whatsoever. I'd rant about other things in this book, but I'd rather just start reading something that I will enjoy.
Do You like book Celtic Moon (2013)?
Great story can't wait to see what happens in next book . Intrigue abound!
It's alright. Pleasant enough read but not much substances.