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Catch Me If I Fall (2011)

Catch Me If I Fall (2011)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 5
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Amber Allure

About book Catch Me If I Fall (2011)

This is a short sweet love story of two neighbors who finally come together, with some help from their families, after over a year of fantasizing about each other and having romantic feelings for one another. One of the men doesn't make a move on the other because he believes that the other man is straight because he has two daughters and is divorced; however, things aren't always what they seem. This love story is angst free and is funny and fast paced. It occurs over a week and no, the men don't fall for each other over a weeks period of time. As stated above, they have been interested in each other for over a year; however, they have never acted on their attraction to one another. They have had interactions with one another. One of the MCs is the softball coach of the other MC's daughters. Furthermore, the MCs are opposites. The softball coach is a sexy computer geek who is 32 who is described as hot when he takes his glasses off. The other MC is a buff 6'4 40 year old construction company owner. Every time the computer "geek" is around Mr. Buff, he becomes clumsy, knocks things over and trips over his own feet. Needless to say, Mr. Buff makes him very nervous. Mr. Buff finds this adorable. As far as the sex, there is one very hot sex scene at the end of the story that will not disappoint. If you are looking for a sweet angst free diversion, this is it. I really liked these men and the story they told. 3.5 starsShort and sweet.I would have liked it more if it were longer and the story had time to develop a bit more and for us to learn more about the characters. As it is we just get a glimpse into Ethan and Avery's lives, they finally go out on a date, confirm their beliefs the other is "the one" and the story ends. A shame since I liked both the main and the supporting characters and think a longer story would have given the readers an opportunity to find out more about them as well as been an interesting read. At least judging from the little we found out in the story.

Do You like book Catch Me If I Fall (2011)?

Funny and sweet with none of the cloying sugary aftertaste. And the MCs were HOT together! Loved it!

Cute. And i don't know if it was just me, but the sex was HOT!

Cute, insta love.

A 2 - 3 stars.

4.5 stars!!!

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